by Renee Lopez | Health, Recruiting tips
3 Health Aspects that Impact the College Recruiting Process Discipline. Dedicated. Committed. During the college recruiting process, coaches are looking for students who are disciplined, dedicated, and committed to all aspects of being an elite athlete. They are...
by Renee Lopez | Academics, Coach's Insight
3 Factors to Consider To Work In Sports Having been in the sports industry for over twenty years and the author of the book, Looking For A FULL RIDE?: An Insider’s Recruiting Guide, I am often around high school student-athletes who want to learn more about working in...
by Renee Lopez | Prep for College, Recruiting Basics
9 Important Aspects Regarding Signing Day In part 1 our series of “What Does Committing to An Athletic Program Really Mean?”, we addressed 5 Important Steps to Take Prior to Signing. In the midst of many student-athletes signing periods, we want to take the process of...
by Renee Lopez | Prep for College, Recruiting Basics
5 Important Steps Before Signing We’ve all heard about Jumping Johnny or Sporty Susie “committing” to a college and getting a “full ride” athletic scholarship. But what does that term “committing” really mean for a high school student-athlete? Does it come when you...
by Renee Lopez | Coach's Insight
3 Ways to Help the Athletic Recruiting Process for Your Child It seems like every sports season we hear of some parent who went after a high school official or coach verbally or physically. Having been a college coach for 14 years, director of coaching for a travel...