by Renee Lopez | Coach's Insight, Recruiting Basics
Photo by Ben O’Sullivan on Unsplash “My Student-Athlete is SOOOOOO Busy…I’ll Email the College Coach for Them!”: 3 Reasons Parents SHOULD NOT ‘Toe The Line’ in Contacting College Coaches for Their Child Most parents of high school student-athletes want their...
by Renee Lopez | Recruiting Basics, Recruiting tips
3 Steps To Getting Evaluated By A College Coach While you may be looking for a college athletic scholarship, other athletes on your club team may not be looking to take that next step or have the money to travel for out-of-state college showcases. Although some...
by Renee Lopez | Choosing a College, Prep for College
“Where should I start in the college recruiting process?” “How do I pick out which college coaches to contact in hopes of an athletic scholarship?” “How do I know if schools are the right fit for my career?” Over the past 2 weeks, I have heard these questions in...
by Renee Lopez | Recruiting tips, Videos
If you want to get on a college coach’s radar, it is very important for you to be marketing yourself to them especially with game film video links. Although the media often portrays the image that college coaches will just come knocking at your door if you are a...
by Renee Lopez | Finances, Recruiting tips
3 Questions to Ask Yourself If you are a talented high school athlete, you are likely hoping for an opportunity to continue playing your sport in college and also receive athletic scholarship dollars for your time invested. Having been a college coach for 14 years...